Temperature-Humidity Sensor with Pinoo and Arduino IDE

What is a Temperature-Humidity Sensor?

The temperature humidity sensor is a sensor that outputs a digital signal used to measure the temperature and humidity in the environment. It is used to obtain the ambient temperature in various temperature units (celcius, farhenayt, kelvin) and to measure the humidity in the environment in%. The unit that measures temperature between 0 and 50 ° C with 2 ° C error margin, can measure humidity between 20-90% RH with 5% RH.

What Can Be Done With A Temperature-Humidity Sensor?

- Thermometer

- Automatic Fan

- You can do many more projects such as Moisture Meter.

What is Pinoo Control Card?

Pinoo; It is a control board developed for children aged 7 and over to code with Arduino more easily. It is an electronic circuit board that allows you to easily connect all the sensors in the Arduino with a single cable, and also collects the pin complexity and power connections in the Arduino in a single cable and puts an end to cable clutter. Developed by Atölye Vizyon.